Rarely owls reside for a night under the roof of Sylviander House, but permanent residents are squirrils. Twice a year they have babies – mostly two.
As soon as these squirril kids are old enough, they start couriously climbing down the pillars, then running over the verandas, through our rooms … Not always a pleasure for us, because they have the habit to push down all the loose leftovers of the mason‘s mortar from the walls. Sometimes, shortly after we‘ve just broomed the floor, again dried pieces of mortar are laying there.
But for our guests the squirril babies are a lot of fun and highlight their holidays in our house. Often for hours they sit silently waiting for these tiny cute beings may appear and then exited take photographs …
They don‘t mind to find their soap next morning half eaten. Yes, these squirrils have a taste to soap and eat it whenever they get the chance. That‘s why we have to cover our soap over night.
And not only strange delicacies as soap, they appreciate also towels and my hammock to eat, both made from cotton.
Of course they like cashew-mango too – we have to hurry to get some fruits before them …
Sometimes we are very lucky to watching them, how tender they are to each other, even give kisses …
(Thanks for some photographs from © Dorothea Geist and © Sandra Merx)
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