Sunday, 3 March 2013

Geckoes – sun bathing & beer drinking!

Yes, here comes the story about sun bathing and beer drinking geckoes in the Sylviander House! 

I knew, geckoes live in trees and in houses beside the people. 
How many of them do live in the Sylviander House we couldn‘t manage yet to count. But we observed while sitting on the veranda, that each one has its own area strictly prohibited to others. Sometimes we can watch their fights, then they are chasing away another one trying to catch beetles and flies in an occupied place on the wall. 

To live with geckoes surprises with quite some unexpected sceneries. 
Did you know, that geckoes like sun bathing? 
I didn‘t, until I saw a tiny baby geckoe on the window-ledge beside my writing table laying there for more than one hour without any movement. 
After taking photographs and then enlarged in my computer I was really amazed about the surface of the skin, which I never saw with my eyes. 

For shure you didn‘t know, how much geckoes love beer! 
I came to know because of our lazyness to wash the glasses right after having a beer in the evening. We just had put them on the washing place with the plan to clean next morning. When I came back before going to bed I saw two geckoes sucking the beer drops from our glasses. 

That happened every evening after having had a beer, why we deliberately went on keeping our glasses unwashed beside the washing place, happy for having now a good reason: sharing our pleasure with the geckoes. 

One evening, I just opened a beer bottle when I got the compassionate impulse to pour a sip into the lit for the little beer lovers. Later then I carefully creeped with the camera in my hand to the spot and there he was! Of course the beer drinking gecko was to busy to run away – just had a short look at me and then went on to enjoy the beer. 

(written by Sylvie Bantle)

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